Aamir Khan with his wife Kiran Rao at Karan Johar's 40th birthday bash at Taj Lands End. Aamir Khan the ever green hero of Bollywood is famous from his first super hit movie Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak which was released in the year 1988. The song Papa Kahthe hai was a super duper song in the film Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak. The song was sung by Udit Narayan and later the song was re mixed in many versions of Hindi re-mixes. The film achieved Film fare award for best film and it was turning point of Aamir Khan in his career. Aamir Khan's firs film was Yaadon Ki Bhaaraat which was released in 1973. In the film Yaadon Ki Bhaaraat he performed a roll a child. His second film was Holi which was released in the year 1984. His recent TV show named Satyameva Jayade was a super hit program which achieved a lot of audience through out the world. The TV program Satyameva Jayathe was later re dubbed into other regional languages and telecast through other Start network channels.
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